05 December 2013

belated thanksgiving.

turkey day has come and gone and i am still passing leggings off as pants.

and i am so totally okay with it.

turkey day consisted of running the turkey trot. it has become somewhat of a tradition. i think this was the 4th one we've run? maybe just 3rd. i don't know.

but it was a balmy 32 degrees outside.

so i naturally underdressed because i get ridiculously hot when i run. and if i am hot when it is cold outside i get panicky.

darwin however looked like the little kid in a christmas story.

i kid you not. he had on 4 layers. 2 jackets. 2 shirts. tights and shorts. a beanie. gloves.

i had on tights and a nike combat shirt. earwarmer. gloves.

the ear warmer came off around mile 2 for me. one glove shortly thereafter. followed by a sleeve pull up. and then the other glove. i was miserably hot. i had originally intended on wearing shorts, compression socks, and a long sleeve shirt. not unlike ragnar outfit number 3.

but for some reason i talked myself out of that getup and into an entirely too hot outfit. son of a whore. happens every time. every single time. 

after trotting we started drinking. naturally.

and then everyone showed up.

7 people total. 6 dogs total. so. many. animals.

and two of the most adorable little monsters you ever did see.


and then it was finished off with dessert, james bond, and snoring

23 November 2013


this week has been one of those weeks where i haven't slept in the same place two nights in a row.

it makes for an exciting week.

i would recap it, but i don't even know which day what happened.

but i do know i ran twice. and helped build a bartop.

one day also involved improvising. improvising what you might ask? a leash. yep. the monster's dad managed to steal all of my leashes. so we used a purse strap. yep a purse strap. not the best, but 5.5 miles (and two poop stops) later, we had finished our run.

today i still haven't gotten myself motivated to go run. mainly because i saw Catching Fire this morning. IT WAS AMAZING. and this happened. for breakfast.

18 November 2013

a little week off running for surfing.

today was my first run back after taking a week off.

take a week off for what you may ask? well i will tell you. i was in nicaragua surfing.

and honestly wish i was still in nicaragua surfing.

but sometimes i have to be an adult that has a job and responsibilities. much to my chagrin.

i know i have said this before but traveling is honestly one of the greatest things in the world to me. i absolutely love it. and i always get a little sad when i have to leave. new found instant friends are one of life's most amazing experiences.

so the fuzz and i woke up and went for a run. in the 60 degree weather that is happening right now. almost 4 miles later we were home and hot. really hot.

not as hot as nicaragua, but hot.

i made the mistake of wearing a long sleeve shirt on my run. woof.

already scheming my next surf trip. weee.

08 November 2013

nicaragua bound.

i think i may be crippled.

like no joke.

perhaps going to crossfit wasn't my best idea two days before going surfing for a week. woops.

but anyhowsie. does anyone else panic shop before they go out of town? i know most people manic clean, and i would do that, but that would require having a dresser and that just isn't in the budget. but now that i think about, perhaps i should have panic bought a dresser. THAT would have made sense.

i got sucked into the vortex that is target. i needed ONE thing. ONE. a travel bottle for sunscreen. you know what i got. TWO of those. TWO shirts (ahem $5 each...). and stick sunscreen.

then i got sucked into the vortex that is tjmaxx. i needed a raincoat. i did not need the other shirt or the running shirt or the jacket (that may get returned). i did succeed in raincoat purchasing so there's that.

if you saw my instagram yesterday then you know this happened.

and by that i mean this (i'm not having a technology day):

yep i pulled a ragnar. but this is a weeks worth of stuff packed into a bookbag. and somehow way easier to accomplish.

i am trying to get motivated to go for a run because it's 60 out right now, but i am having trouble feeling my person and i think maybe taking today off and foam rolling and stretching sounds way better.

oh and all i want to do is listen to stevie wonder. weird, but amazing all at the same time. i'm highly entertained dancing around my room.

weeeeeeee nicaragua. not so much the 4am wake up call to get to the airport on time. woof.

07 November 2013

rogas go to the crossfit gym.

today i committed runner blasphemy. i went to a cross fit class.

and i kind of liked it. i feel like a cripple right now.

but running will always be my favorite activity.

i was talking with darwin about the CF class today, since it was his that i dropped in on, and the reason i liked it so much was everyone was so friendly. everyone introduced themselves and was really encouraging while you were doing the workout. it was like being in a race setting. amazing.

he told me that not all of them are like that. which would be precisely the reason i have never been to one. oh and that small detail of them being on the pricier side.

the trainer, ryan, took his time to explain everything that i was about to do and making sure that i understood all the exercises. he walked me through everything and showed me proper form. which as most people know is the easiest way to get hurt, and also the most intimidating part of going into any gym.

we started off with a warm up of a 400m row or a 400m run. naturally i wanted to do the run, but ryan told me to do the row since it was gross outside...womp womp

i strapped myself in and got to rowing. kind of fun. and then it hits you. this is not an easy task.

then move onto the rest of the warm up. 15 squats. 15 lunges. 15 in and outs.

yes. warm up.

then onto the workout of the day. i would use the abbreviations, but i don't know what they are and am certainly not cool enough to drop them in sentences. ha.

darwin sent me that list last night and asked me if i wanted to join him. my exact words when he first asked: "Sure. Will I die?" followed by "I don't really know what most of that means, but I am willing to give it a shot."

the 100k row took me just over 5 minutes to complete.

THEN the death....

21 kettle bell swings
21 burpees

15 kettle bell swings
15 burpees

9 kettle bell swings
9 burpees

can we say vomit? because burpees. are. the. devil.

i think i finished the whole workout in just over 15 minutes? i don't know. i was too busy trying to not throw up my oatmeal.

but i am happy to report that i made it out alive and managed to not eat all the foods. which i sure as shit really wanted to do.

 i am proud to say that oiselle shorts stand up quite well in the crossfit gym.

now please excuse me while i go foam roll my quads.

and also visit the kind folks at Crossfit Identity. they will show you a good time, kick your butt, and encourage you all in one workout.

06 November 2013


what do girls talk about when crammed (not even slightly crammed) into a sketchy white van traveling from chattanooga to nashville?

here's a top 5 if you will:

1. boys.

who is dating who. who is married. who likes who. the usual girl gossip. standard.

2. food.

because, well duh, we are running from chattanooga to nashville. and we may have had a brownie taste off. it was fairly cut throat. sides were picked early on.

mostly how much we wanted carbs. lots and lots of carbs. don't you fret. we found this great establishment and made a dent. a SIZEABLE dent.

3. pooping

or the lack there of for some of us in the van. that one circulated about every three hours. it's hard not to talk about in a group of runners.

along with poop came the discussion of having to maybe have to poop, but not wanting to drink coffee in fear of what would happen on your upcoming leg....

4. running


5. where some article of clothing may have vanished to/can you pass said article of clothing, cookies, muffins, water, peanut butter....

6. (because i just remembered) funny, creepy things we encountered on this journey.

like the discount grocery store that Carrie kept calling the savvy shopper. it was like the tj maxx of grocer stores. but creepier.

or the fact that i had two dinners sitting on the asphalt of a parking lot.

so join a ragnar team. it's life changing. we may already be planning our next one/ how many races we can run together.


04 November 2013

it's the most wonderful time of the year!

it really is the most wonderful time of the year.

1. long sleeves and shorts running weather. definitely took advantage of that with my roundabout running that i did this morning.

-run out of apartment, around a neighborhood, to darwin's CF gym, pick up praia, run down to my old neighborhood (with a pit stop for some doggy bags....), back up to the CF gym (with a pit stop to pick up the previous bowel movement from the creature <--- i get bonus points for going back and picking it up right?) and then i made darwin drive me home. i was le tired. 8.5 miles. uphill both ways.
2. our race results from ragnar. read them and weep them folks. for 12 girls who were all a friend of a friend, we kicked some serious ass. #carlosdangerFORLIFE

4th in regular women's open division. WOOOOOOOOO

and and and and

TOP 100. 218 teams. and we got 92nd!

3. halloween candy on sale...
this might, might, cover me until the christmas trees come out. 

4. new apartments with significantly less spiders and cockroaches. and by significantly, i mean i have found one. also no other bugs.
cheers to a new roommate who isn't a bug! (literally)
5. christmas season is coming. christmas season is coming. christmas season is coming. weeee

6. ragnar pictures:

cheering on carrie. and all the other runners.

i clearly understand weather. (oiselle and procompression FTW)

first handoff

running up a mountain. and i mean UP

at the top of the mountain

f*%k that mountain

van 1 mascot

right before jessica, abi, and i found a puppy to steal

most of the team. missing two.

our fearless drivers.

van 1.

so cold. so dark.

the whole team done.
van 1 was finished and ready for some cracker barrel domination
there are no pictures of our other legs, because they were all in the dark. and i'm not kidding. well that's a lie. katie and abi's last legs didn't require reflective vests, but adrienne ran in the light with a vest, so it's like it was still dark. trust me.
7. i just signed up for the IMS Arizona marathon in february.

8. for shits and giggles. NICARAGUA bound on saturday. weeeeeeee

29 October 2013

how do you ragnar?

ragnar has come and gone.

and let me tell you i miss it. like i cried 3.5 times at work yesterday. serious withdrawals right there.

but it was absolutely one of the most amazing things i have ever done. and i will get to that. but this post is dedicated to the clothing that i wore.

oh and thank you TN for starting in the 60s and then dropping to the 20s. those were fun. not. two night runs in the freezing cold. woof.

leg one:

target tank top. oiselle shorts. procompression socks. add in some gloves in there and you have my leg one race wear.

those are my favorite shorts ever. and i can't say enough about procrompression. they are amazing.

this outfit was perfect for my first leg that was straight uphill. the weather was just warm enough to not warrant sleeves. but my fingers were cold so at the last minute i wore gloves. it was the perfect combo. 

leg two:

head tennis skirt. nike combat long sleeve top. procompression socks.

this leg was in the dark. so add a headlamp and a sweet reflective vest with tail light. but i hate running in tights. and my teammates made fun of me because as they said i was wearing a mini skirt and tall socks and it was a whopping 30 degrees out or so.

this was my fastest leg by far and at first it was a bit brisk, but i wasn't really cold except waiting for the handoff.

leg 3:

based on our predicted time i should have been running at about 8 am or so. well that got moved to about 445 in the morning. so again, reflective wear and a head lamp.

the pink top was an add on since it was bloody freezing. like below freezing, freezing.

oiselle shorts - first time i've worn these and i love them. target tank top. target pullover. halloween procompression socks.

holy crap this leg was cold. but once i warmed up, my legs weren't all that cold.

i can't say enough how much procompression socks are my favorite thing ever. i have so many pairs of them and i really think they are the best compression socks out there.

stay tuned for the stories that come out of 6 girls being in a van together for 2 days. delirium ensued, a brownie taste test happened, lots of giggles, and so much peanut butter.

24 October 2013

judgment day.

judgment day is upon us.

and is it judgement or judgment? are they both correct? dafuq.

tonight at 7 pm myself and 11 other girls + 2 drivers + 1 dog will be on the road to chattanooga.

it's ragnar relay time folks.

now here is how i prepped.

don't sleep for a week and then panic.

ha. not really. but sort of really.

i will say it requires about a gajillion ziploc bags.

but if you pack diligently you get this:

that my friends is some serious precision.

for real though ziploc bags are your friends. pack each leg in a separate bag labeled accordingly. have another ziploc bag for extra clothes that you may want to run in because the temps will vary from 25-58. (ha.ha.ha.ha that's us...). another ziploc bag for extra underwear/clothes to wear once your clean and out of the van at the end/clothes for the ride home.

and lastly stress bake snacks.

follow along instagram and the twittbox.

team name: #carlosdanger
