today i committed runner blasphemy. i went to a cross fit class.
and i kind of liked it. i feel like a cripple right now.
but running will always be my favorite activity.
i was talking with darwin about the CF class today, since it was his that i dropped in on, and the reason i liked it so much was everyone was so friendly. everyone introduced themselves and was really encouraging while you were doing the workout. it was like being in a race setting. amazing.
he told me that not all of them are like that. which would be precisely the reason i have never been to one. oh and that small detail of them being on the pricier side.
the trainer, ryan, took his time to explain everything that i was about to do and making sure that i understood all the exercises. he walked me through everything and showed me proper form. which as most people know is the easiest way to get hurt, and also the most intimidating part of going into any gym.
we started off with a warm up of a 400m row or a 400m run. naturally i wanted to do the run, but ryan told me to do the row since it was gross outside...womp womp
i strapped myself in and got to rowing. kind of fun. and then it hits you. this is not an easy task.
then move onto the rest of the warm up. 15 squats. 15 lunges. 15 in and outs.
yes. warm up.
then onto the workout of the day. i would use the abbreviations, but i don't know what they are and am certainly not cool enough to drop them in sentences.
darwin sent me that list last night and asked me if i wanted to join him. my exact words when he first asked: "Sure. Will I die?" followed by "I don't really know what most of that means, but I am willing to give it a shot."
the 100k row took me just over 5 minutes to complete.
THEN the death....
21 kettle bell swings
21 burpees
15 kettle bell swings
15 burpees
9 kettle bell swings
9 burpees
can we say vomit? because burpees. are. the. devil.
i think i finished the whole workout in just over 15 minutes? i don't know. i was too busy trying to not throw up my oatmeal.
but i am happy to report that i made it out alive and managed to not eat all the foods. which i sure as shit really wanted to do.
i am proud to say that
oiselle shorts stand up quite well in the crossfit gym.
now please excuse me while i go foam roll my quads.
and also visit the kind folks at
Crossfit Identity. they will show you a good time, kick your butt, and encourage you all in one workout.